International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research
<div align="justify"> <p class="para1"><strong>International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research (IJAPR)</strong> is an international peer reviewed Monthly open access Online and Print journal. The aim of the journal is to increase the impact of research in both academic and industry, with strong emphasis on quality and originality. The journal promotes to publish the articles in the field of <strong>Ayurveda, Siddha, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Homeopathy and Allopathy</strong> systems of medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Researchers may submit (1). Original Research Articles (2). Review articles (3). Book Reviews (4). Short Communications/ Research Letter (5). Case Report (6). Letter to the Editor/Correspondence.</p> </div>Mahadev Publicationsen-USInternational Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research2322-0902Ayurvedic Management of Mukha Dushika
<p><em>Mukha dushika </em>or<em> Youvana Pidaka </em>mentioned under<em> Kshudra Roga</em> can be can be correlated to acne vulgaris in contemporary science. <em>Mukha dushika</em> defines as that which disfigures the face along with discoloration. As it is one of the major cosmetic problems which youth are facing, an attempt is made to cover all the treatment modalities mentioned in classics. References from various classical text books like Ashtanga Hrudayam, Ashtanga Sangraha, Susruta samhita, Basvarajeeyam, Chakradatta, Bhavaprakasha, Yogaratnakara, Gadanigraha etc are thoroughly reviewed and incorporated in this article. As <em>Rasoushadhis</em> are fast acting with very minimal dose, considering these various books like Rasatarangini, Rasamritam, <em>Rasendra Sara Sangrahakara were</em> also referred. <em>Vamana, Siravyadha, Nasya, Abhyanjana</em> are the <em>Shodhana</em> line of management. <em>Lepa</em>s are the most common treatment modalities mentioned all classical text books. <em>Rasaoushadhis</em> also plays an important role in the management of <em>Mukha dushika.</em> Drugs like <em>Manasila, Gorochana, Shilajatu, Sudha Parpati,</em> <em>Shankha Bhasma</em> were noticed in the management of <em>Mukha dushika.</em> Apart from classical references some list of patent medicines is also helpful.</p>Shamja. C. ShamsudheenK.L. Virupaksha GuptaB. Saravanan
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research
2024-12-202024-12-201510.47070/ijapr.v12i11.3449Pharmaceutical Processing and Standardization of Modified Dosage Form of Jeevaneeyagana Kashaya as Spray Dried Powder Capsules
<p><em>Jeevaneeyagana Kashaya</em> is an <em>Ayurvedic</em> formulation that can be used for its preventive and therapeutic properties. However, its liquid dosage form has a limited shelf life and is difficult to administer. The present study works on standardizing and evaluating the <em>Jeevaneeyagana Kashaya</em> (JGK) extract capsules prepared using spray dryer technology, which consist of <em>Withania somnifera</em>, <em>Asparagus racemosus, Pueraria tuberosa, Vigna trilobata, Teramnus labialis, Leptadaenia reticulata, </em>and<em> Glycyrrhiza glabra.</em> The spray-dried extract was evaluated for phytochemical characters. Moreover, physical property analysis, such as bulk density, tapped density, compressibility index, and angle of repose for the formulated JGK extract capsules, was done. The capsules were evaluated for their organoleptic characters. Microbial load, heavy metal analysis, and disintegration time were also determined. The JGK extract capsule formulation complied with the assessed qualities. JGK extract capsule formulation complied with the assessed qualities. The JGK extract capsules can be used as a modified dosage form with increased shelf life and easy administration. The results of this study can be utilized as a reference standard for quality assurance of JGK capsules.</p>Parvathy SunilRajam R
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research
2024-12-202024-12-2061210.47070/ijapr.v12i11.3436Analytical Profile of Punarnavadi Ghrita- An Ayurvedic Formulation
<p><em>Punarnavadi Ghrita</em>, a traditional Ayurvedic formulation, is used in the management of <em>Madatyaya </em>(alcoholism). It comprises <em>Punarnava</em> (<em>Boerhaavia diffusa</em>), <em>Yashtimadhu </em>(<em>Glycyrrhiza glabra</em>), <em>Godugdha</em> (cow's milk), and <em>Goghrita</em> (cow's ghee). The present study focuses on the analysis of this <em>Ghrita</em> as per the general guidelines for drug development of Ayurvedic formulations. This formulation was prepared following the general procedure of <em>Bhaishajya Kalpana</em>, ensuring the authenticity and quality of raw ingredients through rigorous organoleptic assessment. Physicochemical analyses were conducted to determine parameters such as optical rotation, iodine value, saponification value, specific gravity, and free fatty acid content. Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of alkaloids, phenols, and terpenoids. HPTLC analysis at 254nm and 366nm wavelengths identified multiple peaks, indicating a complex profile of active compounds. Heavy metal, pesticide residue, and microbial contamination tests confirmed the safety of the formulation, with no harmful contaminants detected. The findings offer a comprehensive profile of <em>Punarnavadi Ghrita,</em> establishing quality benchmarks for its therapeutic use and providing a reference standard for future research. This study underscores the formulation's potential in replenish <em>Ojadhatu</em> and mitigate the adverse effects of alcoholism, aligning with ancient Ayurvedic wisdom.</p>Arya TShiji R S
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2024-12-202024-12-20132210.47070/ijapr.v12i11.3425Formulation and Evaluation of Herbal Anti-Acne Gel Containing Extracts of Tabernaemontana Divaricata and Psidium Guajava
<p>This study aims to formulate a herbal anti-acne gel containing extracts of <em>Psidium </em>G<em>uajava </em>and T<em>abernaemontana Divaricata </em>and to characterize the formulated gel for its physicochemical properties. The extraction method used was maceration and Continuous hot extraction. The presence of diverse phyto-constituents in the obtained extracts was also determined. Three formulations containing the extracts of P<em>sidium Guajava </em>and T<em>abernaemontana Divaricata </em>were prepared using 1% Carbopol 940 as a gelling agent. Parameters like colour, odour ,homogeneity, phase separation, consistency, washability, pH, viscosity, spreadability and anti-microbial activity were evaluated. The formulated gels were odourless, uniform, consistent, without lumps and washable. It was found that pH of the prepared formulations was closer to skin, had good viscosity and spreadability. The anti- microbial activity of the prepared gel formulation against p-acne was also investigated using disc diffusion method. The anti-microbial activity of the prepared gels was studied with a clear inhibition zone. The formulated gel F2 has greater anti-microbial activity with a larger diameter of zone of inhibition compared to F1 and F3. It was concluded from study that the extract of <em>Psidium Guajava </em>and T<em>abernaemontana Divaricata </em>can be formulated in an aqueous gel-based system for topical therapy of acne vulgaris.</p>Deshpande TwaritaPal ShivamShaikh SadafNilajkar SanjanaYadav Prince
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research
2024-12-202024-12-20232810.47070/ijapr.v12i11.3437Ayurvedic Insights on Linkage Between Grivastambha (Cervical Spondylosis) to Patient Outcomes: A Statistical Analysis of Personalized Data
<p>Disease can be traced back for its manifestation since antiquity, just with development of mankind. Day by day, advancement in medical science is approaching diseases with utmost treatment and diagnostic applications. Though, before starting treatment- nature of disease, course of disease, causative factors etc, should be kept in mind to understand and eradicate disease from its root. Patients’ detail history including habit, activity etc. can help to understand his/her health status, disease condition and prognosis. Here, subjects of <em>Grivastambha</em> (cervical spondylosis), one of the <em>Vataja Nanatmaja Vikara</em> (<em>Vata Doshika</em> disease) are taken and observed for their personalized data to link with disease pathogenesis, which can further be used for effective prevention and treatment policies in future. This study shows the application, interpretation of data individually and relatively.</p>Khatri VinitaJani DilipSingh SumanTinani Khimya
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research
2024-12-202024-12-20293410.47070/ijapr.v12i11.3435Precursory Physico-Chemical, Instrumental Evaluation and Acute Oral Toxicity Study of Purandara Vati
<p><em>Purandara vati</em> is a herbomineral formulation that has a promising effect on <em>Shwasa,</em> <em>Kasa</em>, and is nothing less than a <em>Rasayana</em>. The main ingredients are <em>Parada</em>, <em>Gandhaka, Triphala</em>, and <em>Trikatu </em>which is given <em>Bhavana</em> in <em>Aja kshira</em>. The current paper aims to evaluate the physicochemical parameter along with instrumental analysis followed by an acute oral toxicity study of <em>Purandara vati</em>. <strong>Materials and methods</strong>: Physicochemical, instrumental analysis of <em>Purandara vati</em> were conducted. An acute oral toxicity study was also conducted as per OECD 425 guidelines. The IAEC no of the study is FPS/IAEC/169/2024. The study was conducted with a total of 4 healthy female Wistar albino rats with 8–10-week-old (150- 180g body weight). <strong>Results:</strong> <em>Purandara vati</em> has shown a pH of 4.13, loss on drying 9.50%, total ash 4.32%, acid insoluble ash 2.36%, water soluble ash 2.66%. In XRD <em>Purandara vati</em> had showed mercury sulphide in the major phase. FTIR analysis identified various functional groups i.e., carboxylic acid, alkane, ester etc. Acute oral toxicity studies showed no mortality at a dose of 2000mg/kg body weight proving the fact that LD50 of <em>Purandara vati</em> is above 2000mg/kg. <strong>Conclusion: </strong><em>Purandara vati</em> is a safe and potent herbomineral formulation.</p>Lekshmi R PillaiS.A DoddamaniSurekha S Medikeri
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research
2024-12-202024-12-20354010.47070/ijapr.v12i11.3443Role of Virudhahara in Current Lifestyle Diseases
<p>Ayurveda has long emphasized the importance of a healthy lifestyle and proper dietary habits to prevent illness. Ayurveda places great importance on a balanced diet as a fundamental pillar of overall health and well-being. A significant concept within Ayurveda is <em>Viruddha Ahara</em>, which refers to the consumption of incompatible or unwholesome dietary habits. The Consumption of <em>Viruddha ahara</em> increased in present era due to modern food habits. Individuals who adopt such food habits are more susceptible to various health conditions. The rise in lifestyle diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, obesity, heart disease, dyslipidaemia, and infertility, particularly in urban areas, is largely attributed to incompatible eating practices. As these conditions are closely linked to diet and lifestyle, the concept of <em>Viruddha Ahara</em> becomes increasingly relevant. This article explores the relationship between <em>Viruddha Ahara</em> and the growing prevalence of lifestyle-related diseases. A comprehensive review of modern medical and Ayurvedic literature was conducted through freely accessible platforms like PubMed and Google Scholar. The review of available data indicates that <em>Viruddha Ahara</em> contributes significantly to the onset of various health conditions. Therefore, it is essential to raise awareness about the harmful effects of consuming incompatible foods and encourage healthier eating practices.</p>Navya MAjitha K
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research
2024-12-202024-12-20414710.47070/ijapr.v12i11.3434Ayurvedic Management of Alcohol Induced Polyneuropathy
<p>Alcoholic neuropathy occurs due to damage to the nerves that results from excessive intake of alcohol. Alcoholic neuropathy's precise cause is uncertain. It probably involves both the direct alcohol poisoning of the nerve and the consequences of poor nutrition linked to alcoholism. A 33- year-old single male patient visited Panchakarma OPD with weakness, numbness and pricking pain of both lower and upper limbs. Onset was gradual, started as numbness of both feet followed by difficulty in walking. Later it affects both lower and upper limbs along with pins and needle sensation and he was unable to walk without support. He also had difficulty to hold or grip objects. Along with that he had burning sensation over both feet and hyperesthesia especially over both feet and hand. At times, the agony was so intense that it prevented him from touching his body. For the previous four to five years, the patient has been a regular and heavy drinker with poor eating habits. Initially consulted an allopathic doctor for the same. Medications were given. The patient got admitted to IPD, Panchakarma, Govt. Ayurveda College Hospital. The clinical presentation closely resembles that of <em>Sarvanga vata</em> with <em>Madya</em> and <em>Vishama bhojana</em> (irregular eating habits) as <em>Nidana</em>. The treatment plan was designed in accordance with <em>Vatavyadhi</em> and <em>Madatyaya Chikitsa</em>. The patient got relief in the above said symptoms with Ayurveda therapies with in a period of 40 days. The potential of Ayurveda to alleviate the symptoms of alcohol-induced polyneuropathy has been explored in this case study. The case highlights the importance of stage-wise selection of drugs and external therapies as per the pathogenesis of the disease.</p>Susmi PSAthira PanickerShitha ThomasSeena S
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research
2024-12-202024-12-20485310.47070/ijapr.v12i11.3427Ayurvedic Management of Shwitra (Vitiligo)
<p>In Ayurveda, skin diseases are classified under <em>Kushta Roga</em> with <em>Shwitra</em> being one of its notable conditions. <em>Shwitra</em> is characterized by whitish patches on the skin, primarily resulting from the involvement of <em>Sapta Dravyas</em> i.e., <em>Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa,</em> and <em>Meda. Shwitra</em> is often correlated with vitiligo, a hypopigmentation disorder impacting about 1% of the global population. While <em>Shwitra</em> is not harmful in a physical sense, it can significantly affect a child’s social and mental well-being.<strong> Methodology</strong>- This case report presents a 13-year-old female patient came to SBLD Panchakarma OPD with complaint of white patches on her face and both upper and lower limbs, accompanied by mild itching but no burning sensation since one year. The initial treatment involved <em>Shamana</em> <em>chikitsa</em> followed by <em>Shodhana Chikitsa</em> for a period of three months, with regular follow-ups to assess changes in the size, no. and colour of the patches. This article discusses the Ayurvedic management of <em>Shwitra</em>, highlighting treatment efficacy.<strong> Result and Discussion- </strong>The patient exhibited notable improvement following <em>Virechana</em> and subsequent <em>Shamana Aushadis.</em> The treatment protocol effectively facilitated the re-pigmentation of the de-pigmented patches. No. of patches are reduced after treatment. This case underscores the potential of Ayurvedic treatments for <em>Shwitra,</em> reaffirming their efficacy as described in classical texts. Such outcomes could be fundamental in managing future cases of similar skin conditions.<strong> Conclusion- </strong>The rising incidence of vitiligo is linked to lifestyle factors, making it essential to address its causes through Ayurveda. <em>Shwitra</em> <em>Chikitsa</em> offers treatments that improve pigmentation and mental well-being. Using <em>Shodhana</em> and <em>Shamana</em> therapies, practitioners can target the root causes, reduce patches, and restore normal skin pigmentation while preventing recurrence.</p>Raj Kumar JangirJyoti Kumari Jangir
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2024-12-202024-12-20545810.47070/ijapr.v12i11.3432Exploring the Pharmacological Potential of Dantha Dhavana Drugs Mentioned in Brihat Thrayi and Laghu Thrayi in Terms of Their Rasapanchaka
<p>Ayurveda have always approached health with prime focus on maintenance of health in a healthy individual prior to the concept of treatment of a diseased individual. This implies the necessity of various concepts of Ayurveda mentioned across various<em> Samhitas</em> like <em>Brihatrayi</em>’s and <em>Laghutrayi</em>’s namely <em>Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Swasthavritta,</em> <em>Janapadoshwamsa</em> etc. All these concepts mentioned helps an individual to maintain the healthy state and prevent any health deficit that could lead to the manifestation of a disease. Among the concept of <em>Dinacharya</em> or the regimens to be followed in daily life, <em>Acharya</em> mentions <em>Danta dhavana</em> mentioned to preserve and promote oral hygiene. Even though the concept is familiar, the drugs mentioned for its usage are specific according to each Acharyas. This article is aimed to provide an insight into the pharmacological potential of drugs that possesses <em>Danta dhavana</em> action mentioned in the <em>Brihatrayi and Laghutrayi</em>.</p>Sethu RKrishna Priya AAnkitha sudheendran
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2024-12-202024-12-20596810.47070/ijapr.v12i11.3452Ayurvedic Management of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
<p>The prevalence of diabetic neuropathy is rising in the present society. Despite advances in the field of diabetic care, it is the most common chronic complication of diabetes mellitus. Even before the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) symptoms appear in patients with pre-diabetes. A 74-year-old male patient with history of diabetes mellitus presented with DPN symptoms. Numbness and burning sensation are described as the <em>Poorva rupa</em> of <em>Prameha</em>. Acharya Charaka mentioned <em>Daha</em> as the complication of <em>Prameha</em>. <em>Vataraktha</em> and <em>Prameha upadrava</em> treatment were adopted which includes both internal and external therapies. Toronto Clinical Scoring System and diabetic neuropathy symptom score were assessed for outcome. The scores showed good improvement after treatment. The result indicates that Ayurvedic medicines are effective in management of DPN.</p>Reshma SShylamma T M
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2024-12-202024-12-20697210.47070/ijapr.v12i11.3442An Exploration into the Pharmacological Properties and Therapeutic Potential of Panalveradi Kwatha with Special Emphasis to its Effect on Respiratory Disorders- Swasa and Tamaka Swasa
<p>Plants form the main part of the environment that surrounds us and has becomes the prime source of medicine and food since time immemorial. Ayurveda has always approached health in both preventive and curative aspect which itself is the main principle of Ayurveda, to maintain the health of a healthy individual, and to overcome the diseases in a person suffering from illness. Diseases pertaining to general health as well as a specific system -targeted diseases have become prevalent in the recent years. Among this a grave increase in the diseases affecting the respiratory system has been noted. Poor air quality, prevalence of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms, newer generations of virulent viruses have all proved to be the possible cause. Recent years witnessed the emergence of Covid pandemic which claimed the life of millions across the world. Even today, many variants of the virus can be seen detected. Diseases affecting the respiratory system drastically affect the persons general immunity and quality of life. Among the medicinal interventions put forward by various health systems to combat the air borne pathogens and diseases, Ayurvedic single and compound formulations proved to significantly useful. <em>Panalveradi kwatha</em> is one such formulation mentioned in the text <em>Sahasrayogam</em> which is commonly used by physicians of South India to combat side effects of respiratory infections as well as respiratory diseases like bronchitis, bronchial asthma. This article is intended to explore the pharmacological potential of<em> Panalveradi Kwatha</em> in the treatment of diseases pertaining to the upper and lower respiratory tract.</p>Sethu RAnu SreedeviKrishna Priya A
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2024-12-202024-12-20737710.47070/ijapr.v12i11.3453Phytoncide: Nature’s Antidote for Humanity
<p>Nature is considered as a mighty healer for human beings since ages. It is undoubtful that Plants offers a plentiful reservoir of medicinal compounds. Among these, secondary metabolites are the phytochemicals produced as a result of protection against pathogens, herbivorous animals, and other environmental stress factors. Phytoncides are Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) produced by the plants in order to protect themselves from bacteria, fungi, insects and other organisms and are released into the air, thereby forming a protective environment around the plant. These phytoncides which are mostly of isoprene origin has exhibited various pharmacological activities. Researches have found that forest bathing or prolonged exposure to forest volatile oils can have a profound impact on both physical and mental well being of humans. Since these chemicals act mainly by stimulating olfactory receptors and interacting with nasal mucous membranes, they can be considered similar to aromatherapy. Aromatherapy basically works through olfactory system as well as through dermal absorption. Both share some general health benefits like enhancing immunity by increasing NK cell activity and reducing the mental stress. Recently, many expert scientists around the world has developed new concepts like forest medicine and forest therapy, which may open up ways for in depth study of this topic.</p>Anu SreedeviSethu R
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2024-12-202024-12-20788110.47070/ijapr.v12i11.3455A Conceptual Review of the Effectiveness of Limonia Acidissima Decoction in Vitiligo Management
<p><em>Limonia acidissima</em> also known as wood apple is a wild-growing medicinal plant distributed throughout India and Sri Lanka. Traditional practitioners in Sri Lanka, along with those using folk medicine and Ayurvedic toxicology principles, have reported that different extracts of <em>Limonia acidissima</em> are effective in managing vitiligo. Further research using advanced techniques is required to scientifically validate Ayurvedic and traditional medicines, yet there is limited emphasis on clinical studies and a deeper understanding of the specific properties of <em>Limonia acidissima</em>. This study aims to review and integrate current information on the pharmacological features of <em>Limonia acidissima</em> decoction component and assess its efficiency in treating vitiligo. Authentic Ayurvedic scriptures, modern writings, and previous research projects were used to gather information regarding <em>Limonia acidissima</em>. This study identified for various pharmacological properties, according to the Ayurveda, <em>Vishagna</em> (antitoxic), <em>Shotha</em> (anti-inflammatory),<em> Yakrut Uttejaka</em> (hepato-protective) along with its immune-modulatory, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, regulation of cytokines and its potential utility in vitiligo treatment. Bioactive compounds present in wood apple contribute to its antioxidant functions. These are indirectly support vitiligo treatment and its application specifically to vitiligo is not well-established in direct clinical research. <em>Limonia acidissima</em> is used in traditional and folk medicine to treat vitiligo, a condition with white spots. However, there is a lack of scientific proof in clinical settings, mechanisms of action, including, autoimmune response regulation, melanogenesis enhancement, and interaction with other vitiligo-related signaling pathways. Therefore, clinical, immunological, and analytical research could provide valuable information for vitiligo treatment.</p>Hazari FSJayakody JadppDaranagama DadaSunil-Chandra NP
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